• Serial: Podcast Responses

    Serial 2: Episode 11

    In the final episode of Serial 2 titled Present for Duty, Sarah Koenig debriefs Bowe Bergdahl’s entire case and the circumstances surrounding it in one lasting grand swept. We return to the beginning, the very beginning, when Bowe was in the Coastal Guard. Versus the first episode, DUSTWUN, when we were first being introduced to Bowe, not as an ill placed soldier surviving  five years of Taliban capture, but as a trader. We open not from Bowe’s point of view, but from the perspective of those most indirectly affected by Bowe’s capture – the soldier forced to lead search parties through hostile territories in search of him. It was debated,…

  • Serial: Podcast Responses

    Serial 2: Episode 9

    On May 31st 2014, Bowe was rescued by negotiating with the Taliban through an agreement that with the return of Bowe, amongst other demands, five Taliban US prisoners would be released, too. But what made Bowe so important? Why would the US government break their number one rule of never negotiating with terrorist let alone complying with their demands and giving in? Wouldn’t this action of conversing with the enemy signal to the rest of world that the United States was weak and lenient towards terrorist? Now making the US a target for attack? Not exactly. But still, why Bowie? As explained by Hyder Akbar, an Afghan, Bowe was “just…

  • Serial: Podcast Responses

    Serial 2: Episodes 7 and 8

    In hindsight, everything is 20/20 and now knowing Bowe’s past, he should have never been allowed to serve in the military. Or at the very least, serve without any therapy to upkeep his mental health. As mentioned by Sarah Koenig in episode eight, Hindsight Part 2, of Serial season two, Bowe’s past was a potent cocktail mixture with the potential to harm both his present and future. Which it did. For reference, Bowe grew up in the isolation of a 40 acre home outside of a small town where he was homeschooled by his mother. He was a shy kid who didn’t develop the skills learned through socialization until well…

  • Serial: Podcast Responses

    Serial 2: Episode 6

    In the sixth episode of Serial titled 5 O’Clock Shadow, Sarah Koening, our host, revisits the beginning of the beginning before Bowe began his downward spiral into chaos. A straight laced soldier to the T, actually reading the Ranger Guidebook, volunteering for extra duty, caring after his fellow soldiers and weapons alike, Bowe was everyone’s top pick. A driven and observant infantryman, Bowe was logical in everything he did. Staying silent and making the occasional joke or two was all strategic to Bowe. He observed his surroundings, like an anthropologist conducting a field study, and used what he learned to avoid rocking the boat. That was who Bowe was, so…

  • Serial: Podcast Responses

    Serial 2: Episode 5

    In the fifth episode of Serial 2 titled Meanwhile, in Tampa, Sarah Koening, our host, gains perspective on Bowe’s case and its development by creating distance and returning to the US to inspect how US officials reacted to Bowe’s capture. She looked from the smallest participating member, like Kim Harrison – a friend of Bowe, to the larger acting agents like the Department of Defense, the Federal Bureau of Intelligence, and the Central Intelligence Agency. Through scrutiny, Sarah was able to piece together the trail of influence that lead to Bowe’s case gaining the attention of Barack Obama, the President of the United States. But in order to do so,…

  • Serial: Podcast Responses

    Serial 2: Episode 4

    In the fourth episode of Serial 2 titled The Captors, Sarah Koening, our host, questions who were Bergdahl’s captors and what were their purpose of keeping him? “Where exactly is he? Who exactly is holding him? I couldn’t tell what the Taliban and the Haqqanis wanted or expected. Why is he being moved? Why is he being ignored? I couldn’t tell if his treatment was senseless and haphazard or if it was part of a plan.” (Sarah Koenig, Serial 2) But who were the Haqqanis and what relation did they share with the Taliban? Apparently, the answer is not as clearly explained as the question is asked. But as briefly…

  • Serial: Podcast Responses

    Serial 2: Episode 3

    In the third episode of Serial 2 titled Escaping, it has been months since Bergdahl’s initial disappearance. The military has decreased their searching efforts to the point of almost being non existent and Bergdahl is still facing hell at the hands of the taliban. But as time elapses, Bergdahl quickly learns that escaping might not be the best plan for survival. Instead of being defyant, sometimes it is easier to be obedient, even if it contradicts your personal morals. Bergdahl, as well some soldiers of the United States Army, learned this lesson. Although, some easier than others. As a lasting effort, before it was known that Bergdahl had been captured,…

  • Serial: Podcast Responses

    Serial 2: Episode 2

    In the second episode of Serial 2 titled The Golden Chicken, Sarah Koenig, our host, attempts to assemble and decipher “What is Bowe worth to us?” (Sarah Koenig, Serial2) from the perspective of both sides of the Taliban and the American Army. Koenig pieces togatehr a cohesive story through past interviews performed by other reporters like Sami Yousafzai, an Afghan reporter for Newsweek hired by Page One, recorded conversations between Mark Boal and Bowe Bergdahl, and recountments from American soldiers and battional commanders. Between all of these perspectives, some accounts do contradict one another, such as where exactly was Bowe Bergdahl when the Taliban captured him, but with a little…

  • Serial: Podcast Responses

    Serial 2: Episode 1

    In the first episode of Serial 2 titled DUSTWUN, Sarah Koening, our host, introduces the audience to this season’s focus: Bowe Bergdal – a US soldier held captive by the taliban for five years before his release. A modest introduction if there ever was one, because Bergdal case of capture was anything but. From how he was captured to the terms of his release and the fall out of his return, Bowe Bergdal had become the protagonist of an ever evolving narrative concerning much more than himself. So, how was Bergdal captured in the first place? Well, he simply walked off of his outpost, but not because he wanted to.…
