Digital Storytelling

Tiktok - Percival.has.a.pen

Below are a few videos from my Tiktok, a social media app focused on short form video creation. I primarily use my Tiktok account to document my sewing projects and receive feedback on designs I’ve created. Click here to see the rest of my Tiktok feed.

Long form videos

In Darkness We Bloom
Plant Portraits: Ghost
To Grow a Garden
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In Darkness We Bloom
Plant Portraits: Ghost
To Grow a Garden
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These three podcast episodes are from the podcast “Reaper Research”, a response to the anthropology course ANT-395: Afterlives of Empires.

From the course syllabus, “This course investigates how people across the globe care for the dead in the wake of mass violence, such as war, colonialism, slavery, and genocide. We will place frameworks from the anthropology of religion into conversation with the anthropology of care in order to extend a critique of biopower (the governance of life and populations) into the afterlife, grappling with forms of violence and care that exceed the life/death binary”.

This podcast was edited by Percie Thompson and written and recorded by Nia Dokes, Lilia Memarzadeh, and Percie Thompson.


These presentations were a part of the Skillbuilder series – workshops geared towards building research and technology skills as well as sessions around library services.
